الفلسطينيات في القدس المحتلة: ضحايا سياسات الاحتلال

تاريخ الإضافة الأحد 26 حزيران 2022 - 3:25 م    عدد الزيارات 1958    التحميلات 196    القسم English Publications


Research Paper: “Palestinian Women in Occupied al-Quds: Victims of the Occupation’s Policies”


In the context of shedding light on the occupation and its policies in Jerusalem and the ways to confront them, Al-Quds International Institution (QII) provides a research paper entitled “Palestinian Women in Occupied al-Quds: Victims of the Occupation’s Policies.”


The paper is a translation of an Arabic version issued by QII in 2019 and prepared by the researcher Ali Ibrahim. The translation was conducted by PALM Strategic Initiatives Centre.


The paper addresses the reality of Jerusalemite women under the occupation which seeks to weaken the Jerusalemite community and undermine its various components.


It tackles the repercussions of the occupation and its policies aimed at besieging Jerusalemites and expelling them from their city, and the impact of these policies on Jerusalemite women as reflected in figures such as unemployment rates which reached 85%, according to 2017 figures. The paper presents the direct targeting of Jerusalemite women by arrest and abuse, among other means, and the occupation’s attack against Palestinian female prisoners with examples of the suffering of some of these prisoners.


The paper shows how Jerusalemite women confront the occupation’s policies and conveys their active participation in repelling the occupation’s attack on Jerusalem and its people.


The paper recommends increasing support for Jerusalemite women, especially in the fields of education and health, within the framework of strengthening the bonds of the Jerusalemite community and empowering it to face the occupation and stand firm in the face of its arrogance.

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